OPEIU Local 12 serves over 2500 members comprising over 100 contracts. We are a democratic institution governed by our members.  Our Union is governed by a written Constitution. Most of our members are in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, but there are units throughout the state – Rochester, Hibbing, and Duluth for example. Local 12 also has a few members in North Dakota, Kansas, Illinois, Missouri and Wisconsin. OPEIU members have scored major gains in a range of areas.


Union member benefits and resources

Need a Union?

Steps to form a union where you work


Links to important sites


OPEIU Local 12

We are The Office of Professional Employees International Union Local 12.  We serve over 2500 members comprising over 100 contracts. We are a democratic institution governed by our members.  Our Union is governed by a written Constitution. Most of our members are in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, but there are units throughout the state – Rochester, Hibbing, and Duluth for example. Local 12 also has a few members in North Dakota, Kansas, Illinois, Missouri and Wisconsin. OPEIU members have scored major gains in a range of areas.

Together we fight for economic justice in our workplaces and social justice in our communities!

We are Local 12 Strong!

Latest News

Please note, the office will be closed during the following holidays.

  • New Year’s Day
  • MLK Day
  • Good Friday
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • July Fourth
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving Day
  • Last working day preceding Christmas Day
  • Christmas Day
  • Last working day preceding New Year’s Day


Quick Benefits


Latest Past Events

HealthPartners Strike School 6:30p-8p

Carpenters Hall 710 Olive Street, Saint Paul

HealthPartners Strike School 6:30p-8p IN PERSON ONLY Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnlw2Ng6eDLlnINKAEYuzzMMNwvd0t3kebXtykeoMgLK4_-g/viewform  

HealthPartners Strike School 6:30p-8p

Carpenters Hall 710 Olive Street, Saint Paul

HealthPartners Strike School 6:30p-8p IN PERSON ONLY  Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnlw2Ng6eDLlnINKAEYuzzMMNwvd0t3kebXtykeoMgLK4_-g/viewform


General Membership Meetings

E Board Wednesdays at 6:00. Zoom unless otherwise noted

  • 1/8 (in person)
  • 2/5
  • 3/5 (in person)
  • 4/2
  • 5/7 (in person)
  • 6/4
  • 7/2
  • 8/6
  • 9/3 (in person)
  • 10/1
  • 11/5 (in person)
  • 12/3

Membership Meetings Wednesdays at 6:00 (hybrid)

HealthPartners members CAT meetings

Meetings will restarted on Tuesday, Jan 7th due to holidays

HealthPartners members are gearing up for a strong contract campaign. HealthPartners Local 12 members can join us for CAT meetings by registering here:


All meetings are held weekly every Tuesday from 6:30-7:30pm over zoom unless explicitly said otherwise.